About Us

High Performance Soft Polyurethane Rib Tube Paint

Neop15′ is a collaboration between two friends both based on the south west coast of France. The concept behind Neop15′ was originally conceived by François in 2018. As a passionate boat restorer and painter in France, he found the lack of high-quality, durable, customisable paints for RIB tubes provided an opportunity to create something unique. Working alongside François is James who grew up with a passion for sailing on the south west coast of England but now lives in France. Together they are taking Neop15′ worldwide!



Neop 15′  prides itself on providing the best quality products to its consumers. Our paints and varnish have been formulated by Neop15′ and are made in France. We are committed to providing the best possible service to our customers and helping them achieve the look they desire.

  • Provides a second life for ageing PVC & Neoprene RIB Tubes*
  • 2-3 times less expensive than a new RIB Tube
  • Available in 2,500 colours (subject to order quantity)

Please click on the map to displaying the current distributors in France. 

*Our paints will rejuvenate and revitalise the aesthetic of the RIB Tube. It will not provide a repair in the case of damaged Tubes or where the structural integrity of the material has worn out. If you are in any doubt as to the integrity of your Tube, please contact a professional.

Rib Tube Paint - Neop15 Distributors France

Contact Us

+44 (0) 7713744006

+ 33 (0) 633489601
44 Rue Nicephore Niepce 33510 Andernos les Bains.


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